Creating a Chat Bot using NLP and Keras in Python

Chat Bot using Python, Machine Learning, NLP, Keras and NLTK

Introduction Chatbots are often used by businesses and organizations to automate customer service, sales, and marketing interactions, as well as to provide 24/7 support to their customers. They can also be used for personal purposes, such as entertainment, education, and productivity. In this article we are going to create a Chat bot using Python, Machine … Continue reading Chat Bot using Python, Machine Learning, NLP, Keras and NLTK

Creating Virtual Environment in Python & Launch Jupyter Notebook 

This article will discuss setting up the python Virtual Environment on windows 10. 1. What’s Python? Python is a high-level, all-purpose programming language. Programmers typically fall in love with Python due to its improved efficiency. The edit-test-debug cycle is extremely quick because there is no compilation stage. Code readability is prioritized in its design philosophy, … Continue reading Creating Virtual Environment in Python & Launch Jupyter Notebook 

How to install Python on Windows

1. Introduction In this article, I'm going to discuss, how to Install Python on Windows. This is a step-by-step tutorial that you can follow to install Python successfully. 2. What is Python What’s Python Python is a high-level, all-purpose programming language. Programmers typically fall in love with Python due to its improved efficiency. The edit-test-debug cycle … Continue reading How to install Python on Windows